Your Questions


Do I need to have previous modelling experience?

No previous experience is required

Is there a minimum age requirement?

You must be at least 18 years of age and proof of age will be required.

What commitment am I making?

By sending us an expression of interest via our online forms or by other means you are not making a commitment to us and we are not making a commitment to you e.g. a promise of work or interest.

Why are you different?

We are not an agency. We believe in seeking out and providing opportunities.

Can I determine the type of roles I am interested in?

Yes - everyone is different and we encourage open and honest discussion in terms of the types of model roles that you wish to participate in.

Will I get a portfolio?

We may decide to invest in a professional portfolio to help develop opportunities. We do not charge you for the creation of portfolio photographs.

Do I need to sign a “Model Release” form?

Yes - your permission is needed to use and clarify the rights around any photographs / images / videos created.

How does the process work?

Contact us with an expression of interest using the Forms on our website. We will review and contact you back with any further questions or if we have an interest and believe we can pursue opportunities for you. We can receive a large volume of expressions so we are not obliged to reply to everyone.

How committed do I need to be?

Modelling - especially at the start - tends to be worked around other commitments that you may have e.g. work, study etc. You will need to be willing to take time off your normal routine to make castings, shoots and other activities. This may mean you have to use holiday allowance to do so. It is important to think carefully about the available time you have and what level of commitment you are willing to make. You also need to look after yourself and ensure that portfolio photographs we hold are a true representation of your appearance, physical fitness etc.